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Dec 7, 2016
Why the Coming Jobs Crisis Is Bigger Than You Think
The incoming Trump administration has made job creation a national priority. But here is a sobering prediction: No matter which political...
Dec 1, 2016
Can Trump – or Anyone – Bring Back American Manufacturing?
They stole our jobs. Plentiful, high-paying spots on assembly lines were once a powerhouse component in the employment mix in the U.S....
Nov 23, 2016
What if Computers Become Smarter Than Humans?
You’re ordering tickets to a play or a big sports event online. You’re almost done when that annoying Captcha screen comes up and makes...
Nov 19, 2016
How Platforms Will Disrupt the Future of Media and Entertainment
In the next article of the series, “The Network Revolution: Creating Value through Platforms, People and Technology,” authors Barry...
Nov 18, 2016
The End of Digital Advertising as We Know It
Facebook has said that “ad load,” or the relative volume of advertising versus content on its pages, isn’t going to be able to fuel...
Nov 15, 2016
‘Seoul Man’: An American’s Cultural Challenges Working at Hyundai
Frank Ahrens was a reporter at The Washington Post for 18 years when he got the proverbial offer that he couldn’t refuse. He accepted a...
Nov 11, 2016
Do One-stop Shops Create Value for Clients?
For many service firms, it is undoubtedly very tempting to act as a one-stop shop for clients to retain as much of their business as...
Nov 9, 2016
Why We Can’t Afford to Ignore Higher Education’s Financial Problems
Here are a few things we know that are wrong with post-high school education in the United States: It’s too expensive; access to quality...
Nov 3, 2016
The ‘Deadly Sin’: The Positive and Negative Power of Pride
Pride is a complicated emotion. It can propel human beings to dizzying new heights, where the their accomplishments can spread beyond...
Nov 3, 2016
Why It No Longer Pays to Work for a Larger Firm
A job at a large company used to bring with it several advantages, not the least of which was generally higher pay than similar employees...
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