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Nov 2, 2017
How to Manage the Top Five Global Economic Challenges
The world’s economic system has been through a lot in recent years — from the challenge of the financial crisis to income inequality, the...
Oct 13, 2017
DowDuPont’s Andrew Liveris: How America Can Bring Back Manufacturing
Smokestacks belching hazardous gases, rivers so polluted they catch fire, workers in identical overalls turning bolts with wrenches: For...
Dec 7, 2016
Why the Coming Jobs Crisis Is Bigger Than You Think
The incoming Trump administration has made job creation a national priority. But here is a sobering prediction: No matter which political...
Dec 1, 2016
Can Trump – or Anyone – Bring Back American Manufacturing?
They stole our jobs. Plentiful, high-paying spots on assembly lines were once a powerhouse component in the employment mix in the U.S....
Nov 9, 2016
Why We Can’t Afford to Ignore Higher Education’s Financial Problems
Here are a few things we know that are wrong with post-high school education in the United States: It’s too expensive; access to quality...
Oct 11, 2016
Solar and Wind Power Are Growing – but Won’t Solve Climate Change
It was a memorable conclusion to the now-decade-old movie An Inconvenient Truth: After former Vice President Al Gore finished explaining...
Oct 7, 2016
Climate Change Could Sink Two Million Homes: Why Few Take Note
A recent report in The New York Times sounds the warning that havoc wrought by climate change looms closer than many of us think. “Now,...
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